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ACCOMMODATION TIP at Joo Fernandes Beach in BZIOS RJ POUSADA AGUAZUL with price 2022

ACCOMMODATION TIP at Joo Fernandes Beach in BZIOS RJ POUSADA AGUAZUL with price 2022

#ACCOMMODATION #Fernandes #Beach #BZIOS #POUSADA #AGUAZUL #price ACCOMMODATION TIP at Joo Fernandes Beach in BZIOS RJ POUSADA AGUAZUL with price 2022.

Em Bzios na regio dos Lagos do Rio de Janeiro ficamos hospedados no Aguabzios Hotel que fica a 30m da praia de Joo Fernandes e prxima das praias de Azeda Azedinha Ossos e Joo Fernandinho No vdeo eu passo mais informaes a respeito desta tima dica de hospedagem em Armao dos Bzios Boa hospedagem e boa viagem Ah Seguem as minhas dicas de pousadas e hotis em Bzios httpswww youtube comwatchvPGNUF5Gwu5c httpswww youtube comwatchvCrWhm1rcg4c httpswww youtube comwatchvYYtIMk5NCRM Playlist de Bzios httpswww youtube comwatchvsuXB6kdWowIlistPLfUADeGpxpUfS6HIhVFAMGDJcWrl6RqIn Armao dos Bzios ou apenas Bzios como popularmente conhecido um municpio brasileiro situado na Microrregio dos Lagos do estado do Rio de Janeiro Faz divisa a oeste com Cabo Frio municpio do qual se tornou autnomo em 1995 Localiza se a cerca de 173 quilmetros do centro da capital do estado uma pennsula com oito quilmetros de extenso e 23 praias recebendo de um lado correntes martimas do Equador e do outro correntes martimas do polo sul o que faz com que tenha praias tanto de guas mornas quanto de guas geladas Entre as principais praias destacam se Gerib Tucuns Joo Fernandes Ferradura Ferradurinha Marina Armao Manguinhos Tartaruga Ossos Brava e Olho de Boi esta ltima reservada para a prtica do naturismo A explorao turstica e a ocupao imobiliria do local tiveram incio aps a fama internacional dada a Bzios pela atriz francesa Brigitte Bardot que a visitou em 1964 Hoje a cidade to visitada por turistas do mundo inteiro que alguns a chamam de a Saint Tropez brasileira 6 Armao dos Bzios com seus ventos fortes ideal para a prtica de iatismo e voo livre uma cidade que abriga diversas culturas com um elevado nmero de estrangeiros por ser uma das paradas preferidas de transatlnticos com destino capital do estado A temperatura mdia anual de 24 C e tem o ndice pluviomtrico mais baixo do estado de Rio de Janeiro cerca de 750 milmetros anuais apenas fonte Wikipedia In Bzios in the Lagos region of Rio de Janeiro we stayed at the Aguazul HOTEL which is 30m from Joo Fernandes beach and close to the beaches of Azeda Azedinha Ossos and Joo Fernandinho In the video I share more information about this great hosting tip in Armao dos Bzios Have a nice stay and have a nice trip Armao dos Bzios or just Bzios as it is popularly known is a Brazilian municipality located in the Microregion of Lagos in the state of Rio de Janeiro It borders to the west with Cabo Frio a municipality from which it became autonomous in 1995 It is located about 173 kilometers from the center of the state capital It is a peninsula with eight kilometers in length and 23 beaches receiving on one side sea currents from the Equator and on the other sea currents from the South Pole which means that it has beaches with both warm waters and ice waters Among the main beaches Gerib Tucuns Joo Fernandes Ferradura Ferradurinha Marina Armao Manguinhos Tartaruga Ossos Brava and Olho de Boi stand out the latter reserved for the practice of naturism The tourist exploration and real estate occupation of the place began after the international fame given to Bzios by the French actress Brigitte Bardot who visited it in 1964 Today the city is so visited by tourists from all over the world that some call it the Saint Brazilian Tropez 6 Armao dos Bzios with its strong winds is ideal for sailing and free flying It is a city that is home to diverse cultures with a high number of foreigners as it is one of the favorite stops for ocean liners bound for the state capital The average annual temperature is 24 C and has the lowest rainfall in the state of Rio de Janeiro around 750 millimeters per year only Source Wikipedia Playlist Bzios httpswww youtube comwatchvsuXB6kdWowIlistPLfUADeGpxpUfS6HIhVFAMGDJcWrl6RqIn Praia Beaches httpswww youtube comwatchv9D6pclq4sVwlistPLfUADeGpxpUd8PGVp0dqfepDvaDqy3HIV buzios buziosrj viagem

Length Seconds : 372
Published : Jun 20, 2022
Category : Travel Events
Is Shorts : NO
Channel : Henri Olivier
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ACCOMMODATION TIP at Joo Fernandes Beach in BZIOS RJ POUSADA AGUAZUL with price 2022

ACCOMMODATION TIP at Joo Fernandes Beach in BZIOS RJ POUSADA AGUAZUL with price 2022

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